Thursday, 25 February 2010

Week One

Telegraph Pole
February 2010

I took this photo with a digital SLR Canon EOS 350D The reason I took this image is because I liked the way that the shadow falled hard on the back of the pole. I also think I used the rule of thirds perfectly on this image and the way the wires grow thinnner in the distance as it grows further away goes nicely with the sky fades to lighter tone in the corner of the image.

I am comparing my image to that of the link above. Both of the images have that clear sky in the background wich starts to fade towards the sun. They both have hard lighting from the sun adding a nice tonal range to the picture.
Telegraph Pole 2Mevagissey, Cornwall
February 2010
For this image I wanted to capture the telegraph pole from another perspective, It is very similar to the image above with a different view and added trees. I enjoy the way the branches look as though they are reaching up to the sky.
I have found a similar image to my own image in the link above. The similarities between the two is they both have dead trees reaching up towards the sky but the sky on the other has clouds and birds on the wires and also the sun is behind it creating a silhouette of the pole.
For this image I was using a Canon EOS 350D.
Black Cat
Mevagissey, Cornwall
February 2010
The reason I took this image is because I wanted to capture my cat in a different perspective because normally he'll be lying about being lazy. I like this image because of the nautural light coming in from the window to the left side of the frame slightly lighting the face and the side of the body almost creating a silhouette. The lighting on the face reveals those cat eyes, whiskers and nose.
The image in the link above is as similar as I could find to my own image. The lighting in the images is very similar, I think the image is using natural light but the cat in image is a solid silhouette which goes perfectly with the white background.
Tree Silhouette I took this image using a canon EOS 350D. The reason I took this image is because I liked the way that the sun treacled through the trees creating a strong silhouette on the sky in the background. I also enjoy the way the sun looks like a star and immedietly draws attention. There was no meaning behind this photo I simply saw the scene and captured it.
Lomo Look
I took this image with a Canon EOS 350D. The reason i took this image is because i wanted to recreate the lomo look. I like the splash of colour I got from the sun, the red really stands out and adds a range of colours. I then used photoshop to edit it. First I added a vignette using the lasso tool to draw a free hand circle around the image and inversed my selection to select the edges using a feather of 90 pixels. With that selection I then played with the levels to darken the edges creating a vignette. I discovered these useful tips from this link I think the image turned out a success and got the look i wanted.